Posts by FBC (Page 12)

Newsletter | March 23, 2022

From Our Pastor | How can we live in these days?  Everywhere we look we see violence, wickedness, and destruction.  The world is descending into chaos before our eyes.  How can we face such a world day after day?

Newsletter | March 16, 2022

From Our Family and Music Minister | Those who read my ramblings regularly have probably concluded you never know what topic I might choose. At this point, I should express a big “thank you” to everyone who proofreads my articles; especially on the days that my ADD brain is not focused. (If you have ever heard me tell a story, you will understand.) Sorry for the rabbit trail; now back to the topic. Even though my articles can seem random…usually they have been floating in my brain for several weeks before making it into text.

Newsletter | March 9, 2022

From Our Pastor | How can we serve God in these days?  Everywhere we look we see hostility toward our God, His ways and His people.  What should we do in the face of such hatred and opposition?

Newsletter | March 2, 2022

Make plans to join us as we get together for a late breakfast and to socialize. We will be meeting in the First Baptist Family Ministry building. This event is for all Families, Young Adults, College, and Youth. Everyone Is welcome; if you are looking for a church family, we would love to have you.…

Newsletter | February 16, 2022

From our Family and Music Minister | Growing up, everyone was given a nickname at one time or the other. Some are good, and unfortunately, some are bad. The ones given to us by our friends are usually the best because they know us. The nickname is typically related to something funny that has happened in our lives or something that describes us. Our close friends can get away with using some nicknames that would be offensive if used by someone else because, as friends, they also encourage us with things they say and do. As friends, we love to play jokes and pick on each other, but we don’t need to forget that our friends also need words of encouragement and compliments on their achievements. 

Newsletter | February 2, 2022

From our Music and Family Minister | Over the years, I have attended many youth rallies and worship services.  These events can be great times of teaching and worship for young people; however, many of the youth just get caught up in the emotion of the event.  As a result, they will come down during the invitation, be attentive during Bible study, and even show up for Sunday School the following Sunday for the first time in a year.  Unfortunately, this change usually passes within a few days because they were caught up in the emotion of the whole event and honestly had not made a heart change.

Newsletter | January 19, 2022

From Our Family Minister | Last week, Southern Baptist Churches recognized the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. This reminded me of a David Platt Bible study with our youth several years ago. In the study, David Platt asked, “Is the unborn child a person?” To some of you, that may seem like a pointless question; however, if it is so easy to answer, why is there so much debate about the acceptance of abortion? Of course, as Christians, we would never say murder is okay