Newsletter | November 2, 2022

From Our Pastor | How easy it is to become discouraged and defeated!  The condition of this world is disturbing.  The deliberate destruction of our nation is heartbreaking.  Life brings challenges and disappointments.  Times of adversity and difficulty can wear us down.

Newsletter | October 26, 2022

From our Family and Music Minister | The ability to memorize anything, much less scripture, is a talent I have never possessed. So even though I learned it unconventionally, one of the first scriptures I learned was the 23rd Psalm. Growing up, I had to stay with my dad for many hours at the funeral home. As boredom set in, I would walk all over the place, including the casket room. Engraved on the corners of one of the caskets was the 23rd Psalm. I always thought it was the coolest thing, so I constantly read it as I passed by. One phrase stood out to me as a child: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” So in my childlike mind, I understood that even though I might die, I shouldn’t be scared because I get to go to Heaven. However, even though our eternal home is priceless, I have come to understand that the statement means so much more. 

Newsletter | October 19, 2022

From Our Pastor | “I wish God would use me.”  Have you ever had that thought?  Perhaps there is a situation in your family that needs to be radically changed.  Or, you have a friend whose life desperately needs to be changed.  Maybe you look at the people around you and want to share the Gospel with them.  I’m sure all of us are wanting God to use us in some way.

Newsletter | October 5, 2022

From Our Pastor |Child of God, isn’t it wonderful knowing that we can trust our Father with everything in our lives?  The size and scope of the problem does not matter.  Our prominence among men is irrelevant.  Any hindrances are easily defeated by Him.  We can trust our Father in every circumstance.

Newsletter | September 21, 2022

From Our Pastor | Aren’t these stormy times?  It seems that everywhere we look all we can see is wind and waves.  When we look at the economy, culture, and politics, it seems like a hurricane is upon us.

Newsletter | August 31, 2022

From our Family and Music Minister | In Ephesians 5, Paul tells believers that we are to reflect God’s change in our lives.  Paul clearly emphasized to the Ephesians that they had been completely changed from their old nature. They had once been living in darkness, but they had become light through the saving grace of Christ.  They were the opposite of what they were, so they should not live as they had before. Paul stated that the desire of their changed lives should be to please God and bear fruit that glorifies Him.