Newsletters (Page 21)

Newsletter | November 18, 2020

FROM OUR PASTOR | Are you ready for Thanksgiving? I am! I love this holiday! Some of my fondest memories involve going to my grandmotherā€™s farm for Thanksgiving. Iā€™ve always enjoyed the simple concept of thanking God for His wonderful goodness. I like having the whole holiday season ahead to anticipate. I look forward to Thanksgiving every year.

Newsletter | November 4, 2020

FROM OUR PASTOR | Child of God, rejoice! Yes, these are difficult days. Evil, wicked people seem to be progressing in their various schemes. World events are troubling. Our wonderful country seems to be imploding. But, in our wonderful Lord there is reason to rejoice. The Apostle Paul was inspired to write, ā€œRejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoiceā€ (Philippians 4:4). As believers, we can rejoice in the Lord in spite of all that is happening around us.

Newsletter | October 28, 2020

FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | If you know me, you know that I still struggle with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). Luckily, as an adult, I have learned to cope with it without any form of medication now; however, as a middle school student, it was a full-blown problem. To emphasize its severity, I was the only one in my school diagnosed with it. I sat in a cubicle during class so that I wouldn’t be distracted by the people around me. As I got older, I learned to cope with it and came off medicine altogether. I had to learn to have control over my distractions.

Newsletter | Ocotber 14, 2020

FROM OUR MUSIC AND FAMILY MINSTER | God created us with a purpose: to love Him, to love others, and to tell others of His love. In the same way, a toaster has a purpose. A toaster takes bread and turns it into toast. It is good at what it is designed for, but it is pretty much useless at everything else. However, as great as a toaster is at making toast, it can only work if it has a power source. Without a power source, it is just a bread holder.

Newsletter | October 7, 2020

FROM OUR PASTOR | How can we finish strong in the Christian life? Iā€™m sure that we have all known believers who grew cold or indifferent to the things of God. We have watched their decline and maybe even Godā€™s chastening upon them. How can we avoid following that path?

Newsletter | September 30, 2020

FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | One of the strongest leaders in the Bible was Moses. Moses was born Jewish, and as an infant, was put into a basket by his mother to save his life. He was found by found Pharaoh’s daughter, who adopted him and raised him in the palace. However, his life took a turn when he killed a slave master and fled. Moses then became a farmer and got married with kids; but when he was around 80 years old, God called on Moses to be used as a vessel to save the Israelites.

Newsletter | September 23, 2020

Wedding With great joy, Johnny Brown and Lacey Jo Lewis would love for you to join them in celebration of their marriage.  With dinner and bonfire to follow. On November 14, 2020 at 4:00 PMWilcox FarmAbbeville, Georgia Contact the church office for directions. MID-WEEK DEVOTION Donā€™t forget to check out Brother Davidā€™s Mid-Week Devotion on…

Newsletter | September 16, 2020

From our Family and Music Minister | If you read my article a few weeks ago, I talked about our youth engaging in an adventure course during camp. To make it through the course, they had to stay focused on the obstacles and not how high they were above the ground. After the youth finished the regular adventure course, the company offered for them to do the extreme course at no extra charge.

Newsletter | September 9, 2020

FROM OUR PASTOR | How we need Godā€™s guidance in these days! Never before have we faced such a deliberate campaign of lies, misinformation and propaganda. We desperately need to seek and follow the Lordā€™s guidance. The consequences of not following the Lord are frightening.

Newsletter | September 2, 2020

FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | Several years back, at summer camp, we took our youth to an adventure course. Before you begin the course, they put you in a harness, and they connect you to a safety line. After you start, there are only two ways to get off the course without completely going through it. A staff member climbs out to you and connects another line to you and lowers you to the ground while everyone waits, or if you have not gone too far, you can backtrack to the start if no one else is behind you.