Newsletters (Page 19)

Newsletter | August 18, 2021

From our Family and Music Minister | Over the last 50 years, we as children, were all raised differently. For example, some children were raised to work as soon as possible, while others focused on getting an education.  Other children grew up with internet access with tons of resources, while some had to figure out the microfilm reader at the public library. Unfortunately, some children were born into families that had difficulty putting supper on the table, while others never worried about their basic needs being met. Yet, no matter our circumstances or our situation, we all have the same heavenly Father, and no matter where we come from, we can all have the same eternal home.

Newsletter | August 11, 2021

From Our Pastor | Child of God, you are personally, immeasurably, and eternally loved by God!  The God who created all things and rules over all things has loved you from eternity past into eternity future.  How this wonderful truth ought to completely change our lives!

Newsletter | Aug 4, 2021

From our Family and Music Minister | God created us with a purpose:  to love Him, to love others, and to tell others of His love. In the same way, a toaster has a purpose. A toaster takes bread and turns it into toast. It is good at what it is designed for, but it is pretty much useless at everything else.  However, as great as a toaster is at making toast, it can only work if it has a power source.  Without a power source, it is just a bread holder.

Newsletter | July 28, 2021

FROM OUR PASTOR | “Who can you trust?” How often have you heard or asked that question? It seems as if every day brings news of duplicity, fraud, failure, and irresponsibility. All of us have had the experience of being disappointed by someone whom we trusted.

Newsletter | July 21, 2021

FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | People tend to be apprehensive whenever the topic of inviting someone to church or church visitation comes up. I have heard people say, “I just don’t know anyone that doesn’t attend church” or “I don’t know who to invite.” Unfortunately, in our community we have abundance of people who don’t attend church on a regular basis. As church members, we must be proactive in identifying them and then trust God to give us the wisdom to know what to say.

Newsletter | July 14, 2021

FROM OUR PASTOR | Are you trusting the Lord in your circumstances? Are you able to face your adversities and problems with confidence in the Lord? Has the size of the problem overwhelmed your ability to believe? Perhaps the situation has worn you down because it has lasted so long.

Newsletter | June 23, 2021

FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | This Sunday, we will be starting back to Sunday School. If you have not been a part of one of these small groups, I hope that you will find one to help you grow spiritually. I want to share with you just a few reasons I think this time of study is essential in the life of a growing Christian.