FROM OUR PASTOR | How can we pray with confidence? I’m sure that each of us has problems, needs, dreams, or questions that we have lifted up in prayer to the Lord. How can we rest in confidence that God has heard and is going to move in that area?
FROM OUR PASTOR | How can we pray with confidence? I’m sure that each of us has problems, needs, dreams, or questions that we have lifted up in prayer to the Lord. How can we rest in confidence that God has heard and is going to move in that area?
FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | In our everyday life, we live by rules and instructions. Most of them are so ingrained into our subconscious that we don’t recognize them. For example, we don’t even think about what side of the road to drive on, stopping for a red light, and not running over pedestrians. Before we get our driver’s license, we study the rule book and must pass a test on these rules. But, again, these rules are second nature to us after we have driven for many years.
FROM OUR PASTOR | Have you ever felt overwhelmed? I’m sure that every one of us has gone through a period in our lives when we thought we would be sunk by our circumstances. If we live long enough, we will face such times again. You may be in such a period now.
FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | Jesus called His followers to selfless behavior. He commanded His disciples to do things that could only be done if they relied on the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus also commanded His believers to bless those who cursed them and pray for those who mistreated them. He even called for believers to love those who were unlovely. Jesus also taught that as believers, we are to give freely to those in need. Jesus made it clear that if we call ourselves His followers, we must treat others as we would want to be treated. Think about how our world would be different if we as believers followed the commands given to us by Jesus in Luke 6:27-37.
FROM OUR PASTOR | What a wonderful Lord we serve! No matter what you are facing today, you can trust Him. It does not matter how insignificant you may view yourself or how great the problem, you can trust Him.
CHURCH DIRECTORY The 2021 Church Directories are ready. If you would like a copy emailed to you, let Nikki know. There are some by the church office if you would like to come by and pick one up. MID-WEEK DEVOTION Don’t forget to check out Brother David’s Mid-Week Devotion on the book of Psalms. They…
FROM OUR PASTOR | Wow! 2020 is almost over. What a year it has been! We have experienced a pandemic, violence, unrest and political division. All of us hope that 2021 will be very different!
FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | I’m sure you have heard the phrase many times in the past few months, “Hasn’t this year been different?”
DIGITAL CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE AND LORD’S SUPPER For anyone who can not join us for our Christmas Eve service, we will be offering a digital service on our website. During the service, we will be partaking in the Lord’s Supper. For your participation, the elements of the Lord’s supper are available at the church office.…
DIGITAL CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE AND LORD’S SUPPER For anyone who can not join us for our Christmas Eve service, we will be offering a digital service on our website. During the service, we will be partaking in the Lord’s Supper. For your participation, the elements of the Lord’s supper are available at the church office.…