Harvest Banquet Ths Sunday
November 13, 2022
Each year, during our Harvest Banquet, we take up a special offering as an expression of thanks for Godâs boundless goodness throughout the year. This offering is a special gift above and beyond our regular giving and an excellent opportunity to see God work through the generosity of His people.
Make plans to join us for a wonderful lunch
following the morning worship service.

Guest Speaker John Page grew up in Madison, Florida, and received the call to preach while he was still a teenager. He graduated from Valdosta State University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. John has served and pastored churches in Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. He continues to serve the Lord in addition to operating Page Insurance and Financial Services. John and his wife, Cindy have 4 sons and live in Hahira.
Relay Center Workers Needed
We need workers to help man the Operation Christmas Child Relay center this year. If you would like to help with this wonderful ministry, please get in touch with Jonathan.
Mon, Nov. 14: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Tue, Nov. 15: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Wed, Nov. 16: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Thu, Nov. 17: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Fri, Nov. 18: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Sat, Nov. 19: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Sun, Nov. 20: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Mon, Nov. 21: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Don’t forget your Christmas Cards
Start working on your Christmas Cards. The Camp Post Office will open Sunday morning, November 27. If you would like to send Christmas cards to church members who live in Ashburn, drop them off and let us sort and distribute them for you. Donations to the post office will go towards shipping and items for Operation Christmas Child Boxes.
Giving as of November 8, 2022
Budget for 2022 . . . . . . . . $322,471.00
Tithes Needed to Date . . . . $279,058.95
Received to Date . . . . . . . . $248,080.77
Needed for weekly budget . . . $6,201.37
Tithes Received this week . . . $6,931.65
Donât forget to check out Brother Davidâs Mid-Week Devotion in the book of Psalms. They are uploaded each Wednesday on the sermon page.
From our Family and Music Minister
As I have been cleaning and organizing my house, with the expectations of cohabitating with a wife, I have been trying to complete a few projects that I have had on the back burner. One of those projects was converting old VHS tapes. As I watched one of the tapes where my parents had rented a camera, I had a sudden realization about myself: When I was younger, I never stopped talking. I know I talk a lot now, but I didnât even take a breath as a child. And I talked about anything. So even I got annoyed listening to myself. If we think about it, as Christians, shouldnât we have such joy in being a child of God that we never stop talking about it? God is on our minds in every part of our lives, and we constantly want to tell others about it.
As Paul was writing 2 Timothy, he was in a Roman prison. Even though he was in horrible conditions and knew he would likely face death, he still couldnât stop talking about his Savior. Can you imagine being one of the guards guarding or even chained to the apostle Paul? There is no doubt in my mind that he would have tried to share the Gospel with him. We see in Acts and other Biblical accounts that even though his message wasnât popular, and knowing he could be persecuted for it, Paul was always faithful in sharing the Gospel.
But not only in 2 Timothy do we see his desire to further Godâs kingdom despite his circumstances, but he also was mentoring and teaching Timothy. Paul told Timothy that people are going to hear what they want to hear. Timothyâs calling wasnât to tell people what they wanted to hear. His calling was to tell people what they needed to hear. Just as Paul encouraged Timothy, we are to talk and teach about our God even when it is not the most popular thing. The reason the Bible is offensive to people is not that it was written to be insensitive to culture; it is offensive because culture has decided to live in oppsition to its teachings.
The truth is that we are all born sinful humans and constantly have to fight away evil desires that which cause us to want to live the lives we want. That Is why Paul warned Timothy, âFor the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.â We donât need to surround ourselves with people supporting our bad habits or leaders entertaining us. We need friends and leaders that will speak the truth and friends that will hold us accountable.
Before Paulâs execution, we know that he completed the task God had laid out for him. He was used to mentor leaders and teach others about the one true God through giving his life to Christ. We should aspire not to be so concerned about pleasing the culture around us but instead pleasing our Creator. How can we truly live our lives unashamed of the Gospel? As this holiday season is fast approaching, I hope you will take the opportunity to be a light in a dark world.

Sunday, November 13
Deacon of the Week: Tom LaRocca
Deacon Greeters
Front Door: Tom LaRocca
Organ Greeter: Dwane Lewis
Piano Greeter: Dan Raines
Sound: Carl Hobbs
Video: Sue Mastrario
Nursery Workers
Sandra Ellis & Rachel Flake
Sunday, November 20
Deacon of the Week: Daniel West
Deacon Greeters
Front Door: Daniel West
Organ Greeter: Allen Whitehead
Piano Greeter: W. Greg Brown
Sound: Daniel West
Video: Julie West
Nursery Workers
Charnelle Reinhardt & June Whiddon