Newsletter | December 29, 2021


We will be working on the upcoming church directory for 2022. If you would like to update your email address, phone number, or mailing address please contact the church office or email at We do not update the church director from the Email list and texting system used to send messages out from the church.


Donā€™t forget to check out Brother Davidā€™s Mid-Week Devotion on the book of Psalms. They are uploaded each Wednesday on the sermon page.

THank YOu

Thank you for providing food for our family on the day of our momā€™s funeral!Ā  Your kindness makes us remember how great it was to grow up in Ashburn.Ā  We instantly felt at home even though we have been gone for years.Ā  FBC is very near and dear to our family!

Love Always,

Jason & Rebekah Peacock

Church Flower Calendar

If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary in memory or in honor of someone, please call the church office, so Nikki can get them on the calendar.Ā  Please call early to get the date you want.

Giving as of December 29, 2021

Budget for 2021 . . . . . . . .  $320,880.00
Tithes Needed to Date . . . . $320,880.00
Received to Date . . . . . . . . $270,596.74
Needed for weekly budget . . . $6,170.77
Tithes Received this week . .  $28,080.34

Lottie Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ā  $2,240.00

Church Directory

If your name and information is not in the church directory or your information needs updating, please give Nikki a call at the church office. You can also email her atĀ  WeĀ do notĀ update the church directory from the Email list and texting system used to send messages out from the church.

From Our Pastor

Happy New Year!  I hope that you are looking forward to a great 2022 (it will take a while for ā€œ2022ā€ to sink in!).  More than anything I pray that this will be a year in which you experience the Lord in your life as never before.

How can we make 2022 such a year?  Are there actions we can take to put ourselves in position to better experience the Lord?  Does God give us any instructions for experiencing Him in a New Year?

The answer is ā€œyes!ā€  In Ephesians 5:15-21 we find instructions for experiencing God.  Although this passage is about everyday life and not about New Years, it is a perfect passage for the lessons we need for this new year.

What should we do?  First, we need to walk in wisdom (v. 15).  That means we live in a way that reflects Godā€™s thinking and values.  We seek His mind in the issues of life by prayerfully studying His Word.  This may be seen in declarations, commandments, principles, or examples. We then live out what He has said.  To apply the Word is to walk in wisdom.

Next, we value the time that God has given us.  Verse 16 says to make the most of the time.  The King James Version says to redeem the time.  The idea comes from the business world where a good businessman makes the most of every opportunity.  We need to approach every day with that mindset.  As we look at a new year, we look at 365 wonderful opportunities. 

We must also seek Godā€™s will (v. 17).  We often over-complicate this process.  The best way to discover Godā€™s will is to do whole-heartedly what God has already revealed while praying and watching for Him to reveal the next step.  Seeking Godā€™s will is more about being submissive and open to God than anything else.

Last, we become filled with the Holy Spirit (v. 18). The idea is that we ask the Lord to take control of us through His Spirit and that we allow Him to take control.  As we go through each day, we seek to do so under His control.

What kind of a year can we expect if we follow the Lordā€™s instructions?Ā  It will be a year of joy (v. 19), thankfulness (20), and loving humility (v. 21).Ā  What a year is ahead of us!

Sunday, January 2

Deacon of the Week: Dwane Lewis

Deacon Greeters
Front Door: Dwane Lewis
Organ Greeter: David Flake
Piano Greeter: Shawn McRae

Sound: Chris McCard
Video: Saskia Van Son

Nursery Workers
Daisy Lee Speight

Sunday, January 9

Deacon of the Week: Daniel West

Deacon Greeters
Front Door: Daniel West
Organ Greeter: W. Greg Brown
Piano Greeter:  Allen Whitehead

Sound: Carl Hobbs
Video: Sue Mastrario

Nursery Worker
Shelley McRae & Dianne Huff