Newsletters (Page 9)

Newsletter | July 19, 2023

From Our Family and Music Minister | I have been known to work on computers now and then. By far, I am not an expert, but I know my way around them a little bit. When I started tinkering with computers, my knowledge came more out of necessity than interest. After my mother had lost many computer files when a hard drive crashed, she decided to install a backup tape drive in her computer. To make a long story short, after a few weeks of not having a computer that worked and many parts laying off to the side, my dad purchased her a new computer. My mom had completely lost control of the situation and had to abandon it. However, this allowed me to have my very own computer. After some tinkering and trial and error, I had the computer working again and had my own computer to use.

Newsletter | July 12, 2023

Help us Get the word out. Only 2 weeks left. Click here for more information and to register. We will take the Bus to this event for anyone who is interested. We will attempt to order tickets on Monday, July 24th. If you would like a ticket, Let Jonathan or Sue Mastrario know by July…

Newsletter | July 5, 2023

From Our Family and Music Minister | I love a good hamburger with lots of toppings; but a hamburger is the farthest thing from my mind when I am out of town on a trip. First, I want a restaurant we donā€™t have in Ashburn, and second I want something good and filling. But there is a first time for everything. On a rare occasion, Johnny and I were shopping in Macon by ourselves, and we saw this billboard with the most beautiful and delicious hamburger you have ever seen. We were by ourselves and, for once, had no women telling us where to eat, so we pulled into the restaurant advertised on the billboard and got a table. As the waitress came up to take our order, we both said, we want the hamburger on your billboard down the road. Come to find out, they donā€™t even sell that hamburger; they only had one on the kidā€™s menu. In our fragile state, we ordered steak and shrimp and suffered silently.

Newsletter | June 28, 2023

From Our Pastor | One of the biggest hindrances to trusting God in real life is thinking of God as ā€œup thereā€ or ā€œout thereā€. While it is true that God is on His throne, it is also true that He is
with us. Basic theology teaches the omnipresence of God. The New Testament teaches us that the believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. God is with us.

Newsletter | June 21, 2023

From our Family and Music Minister |
In work, school, or even a volunteer organization, we have most likely been a part of a group project whose success was based on other individuals. In high school, I was that member who would bring drinks and snacks. It was better to let the others do the academic work and not rely on me, especially since most of our projects included long reports and research.

Newsletter | June 14, 2023

From Our Pastor | What makes a Godly man?Ā  That is such an appropriate question to ask on Fatherā€™s Day.Ā  It is even more appropriate as we see Satanā€™s attack on men and masculinity as part of his war against God.

Newsletter | June 7, 2023

From Our Family And Music Minister | As I was planning ahead for our worship services this past week, I put in one of my favorite songs I love and hate. I love to hear it, and I love the lyrics, but it is just not in a comfortable singing range for me. However, I am one of those who gets a song in his head, and will sing over and over, usually just one line, for the following week. So hopefully, after we sing it next Sunday, you will also have it in your mind.

Newsletter | May 31, 2023

From Our Pastor | How can we be blessed by God?Ā  Iā€™m sure that each of us wants to have Godā€™s blessing upon our life.Ā  I know that each of us wants the blessing of Heaven for eternity.Ā  But how can we receive Godā€™s blessing?

Newsletter | May 24, 2023

From Our Family and Music Minister | My first youth trip as a leader was taking 18 young people to the youth evangelism conference in Macon, Ga. Just as we had done in previous years, we hit up the food court at the Macon Mall before heading back on Saturday evening. The plan was always that youth would break up into groups of 4 or 5 and check in with us periodically. Then, after a few hours, we all would load back up and head home. It had been a great trip, with no significant issues, and the conference had been incredible.

Newsletter | May 17, 2023

From Our Pastor | Graduation ā€“ what an exciting time! It is a time of celebration as we rejoice in our seniorsā€™ success in their studies. It is also a time of anticipation as we think about our seniorsā€™ goals, dreams, and hopes for the future. We hope each of them succeeds wonderfully in their lives.