Newsletters (Page 22)

Newsletter | August 26, 2020

FROM OUR PASTOR | Is fear preventing you from following the Lord? Perhaps God has clearly shown you a direction He wants you to go, but you are too scared to follow Him! It may be that God wants you to quit a particular activity or leave some setting, but you feel secure in that place. You may feel that Godā€™s leading requires you to ā€œgo against the currentā€ ā€“ maybe even alone. Such realization has caused you to pull back.

Newsletter | August 19, 2020

FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | When I was growing up, I had a curious mind. I wanted to know how things work, especially on the inside. I was known to take things apart just to see the inside. Itā€™s fair to say that I got in trouble more than once for not being able to put whatever I took apart back together again. A few weeks ago, Edgar was tearing down the barn behind the house I grew up in, which brought back memories of me taking things apart.

Newsletter | August 12, 2020

From Our Pastor | One of the worst mistakes we can make as believers is to become comfortable or complacent about our spiritual condition. We can become casual about sinful patterns or habits by rationalizing ā€œafter all, Iā€™m not perfect.ā€ It is easy not to pursue spiritual growth and maturity aggressively by thinking ā€œIā€™ll never be some ā€˜spiritual great.ā€™ā€ Such thinking makes us comfortable at our current spiritual level.

Newsletter | August 5, 2020

FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | Since the creation of time, God has wanted us to desire a close personal relationship with Him. His arms are wide open to pick us up and carry us if we reach out and ask. Even when we have sinned against Him, His arms are still waiting for us. We see in Genesis a picture of the great love that God has for His children even when we follow paths not pleasing to Him.

Newsletter | July 29, 2020

FROM OUR PASTOR | One of the most comforting and exciting truths in Godā€™s Word is that He has a plan and purpose for our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 says, ā€œā€™For I know the plans that I have for you, ā€˜declares the Lord,ā€™ plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.ā€™ā€

Newsletter | July 22, 2020

FROM OUR FAMILY AND MUSIC MINISTER | As the Israelites were establishing the Promise Land, the Lord told Joshua to appoint cities of refuge. Initially, God gave Mosses this command; however, the Israelites lack of faith kept them from entering the Promised Land with Moses. The cities of refuge were six cities that would provide asylum for culprits of unintentional manslaughter and foreigners in the land.

Newsletter | July 15, 2020

FROM OUR PASTOR | If we have learned anything in this turbulent time, we have learned the importance of hearing from the Lord. We have never had a time when the need to hear from the Lord has been greater. Our personal devotions, daily life, and corporate worship need to be focused on hearing from God through the Scriptures, prayer, His people, and His hand as He controls circumstances.