Posts by FBC (Page 5)

Newsletter | May 15, 2024

From Our Pastor | As we live our lives, there is nothing more important than experiencing God’s presence.  We desperately need His light in times of confusion, His guidance in decisions and His strength in trials.  We need Him for the meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in life.  We need Him.

Newsletter | May 8, 2024

From Our Family And Music Minister | I love to watch competitions and people compete, especially if I have someone for whom to root. One thing I find entertaining is how quickly someone jumps from supporting a losing team to a winning team instead of remaining loyal. If they were true fans, they would be fans no matter how well they did. They would stay through the thick and thin no matter the sacrifice. When it comes to a task that God puts on your heart, how hard is it for you to remain loyal to the task when adversity strikes?

Newsletter | May 1, 2024

From Our Pastor | “How can I handle the problem?”  You may be asking yourself that question today.  No doubt you’ve asked it in the past.  If the Lord tarries, you’ll be asking that question again.  We all face difficulties, adversities and problems that trouble and try us.

Newsletter | April 24, 2024

Join us for supper at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall, followed by Ree Reinhardt sharing Baptist Student Ministries with us. Menu for Family Night Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti, Tossed SaladGarlic Toast, Rice Krispie Treats Make plans to join us Sunday night, April 28th, at 5:00 PM for community outreach. This is an excellent opportunity for…

Newsletter | April 17, 2024

From Our Pastor | “…There was none like him among all the kings of Judah…” (2 Kings 18:5).  Isn’t that an amazing statement?  It is even more amazing when we remember that those words were God’s evaluation of King Hezekiah.

Newsletter | April 10, 2024

From Our Family And Music Minister | You may not be familiar with James Anderson, but he has become a lifesaver to more than 2,000 people. James is a plumber in the British town of Burnley, where he gives significant discounts to the elderly on plumbing work. James became famous over the internet when the daughter of a terminally ill woman posted the bill she had received. Her boiler had gone out, and they contacted James in hopes of getting it done at a fair price, but to their surprise, he did it for free and said to let him know if any problems arose, he would take care of them. He said that she deserves to remain comfortable. He told CNN that this business practice has led him to lose money in his business, but he says that as long as he has money to put gas in the car, he will show up where he is needed.

Newsletter | April 3, 2024

From Our Pastor | Do you want revival?  I don’t mean a series of meetings.  By “revival”, I mean the experience of God cleansing us, reprioritizing us, renewing us, and drawing us close to Himself.  Yes, I hope you plan to attend and hear what God has to say to us in the services.  We are blessed to have Aaron preaching to us.  I am so thankful for him and excited about his coming.  But I pray that our desire is for God to move in us and among us.

Newsletter | March 27, 2024

From Our Family And Music Minister | Over the years, I have attended many youth rallies and worship services. These events can be great times of teaching and worship for young people; however, many of the youth just get caught up in the emotion of the event. As a result, they will come down during the invitation, be attentive during Bible study, and even show up for Sunday School the following Sunday for the first time in a year. Unfortunately, this change usually passes within a few days because they were caught up in the emotion of the whole event and honestly had not made a heart change.

Newsletter | March 20, 2024

From Our Pastor | When we think about our Lord riding into Jerusalem, we usually think about the joy, celebration and excitement.  We often think of it as the high point of His earthly ministry.  What an incredible experience it had to have been!

Newsletter | March 13, 2024

From Our Family and Music Minister | As adults, it seems like we can quickly get discouraged, especially when it comes to sharing the Gospel, inviting people to church, or helping someone in need. Once we feel like we are unsuccessful or taken advantage of, we quickly become numb to the needs around us and can lose our desire to reach out. We must, however, remember God did not call us to be a witness for Him just when things are going well. Instead, He calls us to reach out for Him even when times are bad.