Newsletter | May 15, 2024

Join us for supper at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall,
followed by Bro David leading us through the last night of
“Unfailing Strength in Uncertain Times”

Menu for Family Night

Bbq Sandwich, Chips
Slaw, White chocolate Cranberry cookies

Join us for a special family night on May 22
as we welcome “Made From Scratch.”
Our hostess committee will prepare a wonderful meal,
followed by this special program. The money
collected that Wednesday night will go to support this group.

Preparing for Homecoming on August 25, 2024

On August 25, 2024, First Baptist will celebrate 135 years of ministry in the heart of Ashburn. As we prepare for this special homecoming event, we need your help. If you have the names and addresses of past members or staff, we could send an invitation to please get them to Nikki in the church office: email or 229-567-9320.


Several members of the Church will meet on Monday, May 20th, at 1:00 PM in the fellowship hall to continue working on handbags for Operation Christmas Child Boxes. All are welcome to join and help. See Mary Moore if you have any questions.

VBS Workers

It is time again for us to start getting volunteers for VBS. If you would like to help with this ministry, see Eilene Perry. It will be July 15-17.

Giving as of May 14, 2024

Budget for 2024 . . . . . . . .  $329,423.00
Tithes Needed to Date . . . . $120,366.26
Received to Date . . . . . . . . . $96,467.30
Needed for weekly budget . . .  $6,335.00
Tithes Received this week . . . . $3,839.46


Don’t forget to check out Brother David’s Mid-Week Devotion in the book of Psalms. They are uploaded each Wednesday on the sermon page.

From Our Pastor

As we live our lives, there is nothing more important than experiencing God’s presence.  We desperately need His light in times of confusion, His guidance in decisions and His strength in trials.  We need Him for the meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in life.  We need Him. 

King Asa of Judah experienced God’s nearness.  The prophet Azariah told him “…The Lord is with you when you are with Him…” (2 Chronicles 15:2).  Azariah’s words were both a reward for Asa’s choices and a challenge to continue making those choices. 

What choices did Asa make?  First, Asa sought cleansing.  2 Chronicles 14:3 describes Asa removing the foreign altars, places of false worship, sacred pillars and Asherim.  Asa sought to cleanse the land from its sin.

What a picture for us!  We need to be just as diligent to cleanse our lives of sin.  We need to confess our sins and trust God’s enablement to repent (turn from committing those sins).  Paul makes it clear that cleansing is a requirement for being used by God (2 Timothy 2:20-21).

Next, Asa shows us the need for obedience.  Verse 4 records Asa commanding Judah to seek the Lord and to obey Him.  Asa sought to make Judah a place of individual and national obedience.

We must be that committed to obedience in our lives.  There is no way to experience God’s nearness in disobedience.  King Saul learned this lesson the hard way (1 Samuel 13:13-14; 15:22-23).  The Scribes and Pharisees erred in this way (Matthew 15:8-9).  We will not experience God in a state of disobedience.  If we obey, He will be with us.

Next, we see the importance of faithfulness.  Asa told Judah, “Let us build these cities and surround them with walls and towers, gates, and bars.  The land is still ours because we have sought the Lord our God; we have sought Him, and He has given us rest on every side.” (verse 7).  Basically, Asa was telling Judah to be faithful unto God in their circumstances.

What wise counsel!  It is easy to think about what we would want to do if times were different, if we had more resources, or if we were more skilled.  Such thoughts are worthless.  God does not hold us accountable for what we do not have.  He holds us accountable for how we use what He has given.  We must be faithful to experience His nearness.

Last, we must trust the Lord.  When Ethiopia attacked Judah, Asa called to the Lord as his only help (verse 11).  God answered by routing the Ethiopians.  It was God who gave the victory. 

We will only experience God’s nearness when we put our trust in Him.  Hebrews 12:6 makes it clear that it is impossible to please God without faith.  If we want God to work in our circumstances, we must put ourselves in His hands as Asa did.

As we live in these times, we desperately need God’s nearness.  We need His comfort, love, guidance, and power.  Asa shows the pattern we must follow to experience Him.  I pray we are wise enough to follow it.

Sunday, May 19

Deacon of the Week:  Dwane Lewis

Deacon Greeters
Front Door:  Dwane Lewis
Organ Greeter:  Allen Whitehead
Piano Greeter:   David Flake

Sound:  Daniel West
Video:  Julie West

Nursery Workers
Dianne Huff & Elizabeth See

Sunday, May 26

Deacon of the Week:  Carl Hobbs

Deacon Greeters
Front Door:  Carl Hobbs
Organ Greeter:  W. Greg Brown
Piano Greeter:  Tom LaRocca

Sound:  Daniel West
Video:  Julie West

Nursery Workers
Charnelle Reinhardt & June Whiddon