Next, DIY Kids is coming up. Help us get the word out.
Please sign up by May 10, 2023
DIY Kids is a time when young children can get together and create projects with their hands while also learning about our creator. Join us as we explore the unique abilities and creative imaginations God has given us.
First Baptist Church
Family Ministry Building
Next Workshop
Saturday, May 13, 2023
10:00 AM – 12 Noon

Baccalaureate Service
Please make plans to attend our Baccalaureate Service during our morning worship service on Sunday, May 21. Here is a list of the Graduates that are planning on participating.
Remington Smith
Emily Stone
Alex Taylor
Joey Williford
Arizbeth Zapote
Giving as of May 9, 2023
Budget for 2023 . . . . . . . . $348,707.00
Tithes Needed to Date . . . . $127,412.29
Received to Date . . . . . . . . . $87,094.93
Needed for weekly budget . . . $6,705.91
Tithes Received this week . . . . $4,171.73
We will not have a Mid-week devotion this week. However, we always have past devotions and sermons on our website. Click the link below to view past messages.
From Our Family And Music Minister
A mother can be a tremendous influence, and guide her children in the ways of God. She can model love, grace, truth, and strength. God calls mothers to teach children about living a Christian life. The Bible is filled with examples of the importance of generations teaching new generations how to live a life acceptable to God. However, children are influenced by both of their parents, so it isn’t only a man’s or woman’s job to model the Gospel, it’s every parent’s job to show Christ to their children.
A famous philosopher, George Santayana, said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This is an excellent summary of what we read in Psalms 78. In it, Asaph reminded his people of the repeated failures of their ancestors. He wanted them to learn lessons from Israel’s history so they would not commit the same errors. As we look at Psalm 78, we are reminded of how quickly people and nations fall away from God. Thankfully, we also see the comforting truth of God’s faithfulness despite our unfaithfulness.
Asaph’s first lesson to his people was to teach the truth of God’s Word. They needed to pass God’s law down to each generation because Israel’s future depended on it. The people must not follow in the footsteps of those who disobeyed God due to their unbelief.
Asaph’s second lesson was the importance of obeying God. Throughout their history, the people of Israel had swayed back and forth in their faithfulness to God. Their wishy-washy behavior (repeatedly going back and forth from obedience to disobedience) left God no choice but to judge them. Asaph encouraged his people to do better, sincerely turn from their sins, and consistently follow God’s commands.
The final lesson that Asaph wanted to teach his people was never to forget God’s power and the day He saved them. But unfortunately, the Israelites fell into sin because they forgot what God had done for them. So, despite seeing God’s mighty power in performing miracles such as parting the Red Sea, they quickly turned away from God when they became impatient.
As believers, we have a responsibility not only to follow God but also to teach others about Him. Pastors and teachers have a calling to teach children and adults in the church. However, within the home, parents are responsible for teaching their children the truth of God’s Word. While taking children to Sunday School and church is important, it does not replace the parents’ duty within the home. Through teaching the truth of the Bible and living out that truth, parents must train their children in God’s Word.
Pastors, teachers, and parents will all give an account to God for how they fulfilled their duty to teach God’s Word. We must be faithful to our responsibility to prepare other generations by planting the seed of God’s Word in their hearts.

Sunday, May 14
Deacon of the Week: David Flake
Deacon Greeters
Front Door: David Flake
Organ Greeter: Carl Hobbs
Piano Greeter: Tom LaRocca
Sound: Carl Hobbs
Video: Sue Mastrario
Nursery Workers
Rachel Flake & Suzi LaRocca
Sunday, May 21
Deacon of the Week: Dwane Lewis
Deacon Greeters
Front Door: Dwane Lewis
Organ Greeter: Dan Raines
Piano Greeter: Daniel West
Sound: Daniel West
Video: Julie West
Nursery Workers
Sami Mastrario & Eilene Perry