Christmas Worship Schedule
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 — No Services
Sunday, December 25, 2022 — Morning Worship at 11:00 AM Only
Wednesday, December 28, 2022 — No Services
Sunday, January 1, 2023 — Sunday School 9:45 AM and Morning Worship 11:00 AM
Wednesday, January 4, 2022 — No Services
Thank you from our Deacons
The Deacons would like to thank our church host/hostess committee for the delicious meal they served at the VIP Christmas Luncheon this past Sunday. We are donating $50.00 in their honor to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to Support International Missions. We greatly appreciate all this group does for our church.Â
FBC Deacons
We hope you have enjoyed the wonderful time of teaching and fellowship. We greatly appreciate all the work the hostess committee has done to provide weekly meals. Start planning who you can invite to Family Night in the new year. You are the hands and feet of Christ.
If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary in memory or in honor of someone, please call the church office, so Nikki can get it on the calendar. Please call early to get the date you want.
Giving as of December 20, 2022
Budget for 2022 . . . . . . . . $322,471.00
Tithes Needed to Date . . . . $316,267.17
Received to Date . . . . . . . . $274,021.41
Needed for weekly budget . . . $6,201.37
Tithes Received this week . . . $2,780,19
Lottie Moon – $1,135.00
Donât forget to check out Brother Davidâs Mid-Week Devotion in the book of Romans. They are uploaded each Wednesday on the sermon page.
From Our Famly and Music Minister
I hope you could make it to our Christmas program this past Wednesday. If not, you missed a treat. I was so pleased with the choir, and I am thankful they gave their time to help lead our congregation in worship. Even though I enjoy learning new Christmas songs, I still love singing arrangements of the older songs that have been around for hundreds of years. This Christmas Eve, one of my favorite hymns, âSilent Nightâ, will turn 204 years old.
At the end of the eighteenth century in Salzburg Austria, a woman named Anna fell in love with a soldier. However, when he found out she was pregnant, he sadly left her alone to raise the child. Fortunately for Anna, the townâs hangman befriended her and committed himself to help raise her newborn son, Joseph Mohr, along with help from the local priest. The priest paid for his education, and Joseph returned to Salzburg to serve as an associate minister for a local congregation.
The story passed down says the church organ was broken, so Joseph used a guitar to provide music for the Christmas Eve church service. While Joseph was visiting members of the congregation, he wrote the lyrics to the classic song âSilent Nightâ on his long walk home. On December 24, 1818, the Christmas song was first shared with a congregation in Salzburg, Austria.
In a new arrangement of Silent night that I love to listen to, with the title of âSilent Night (Godâs Great Love)â, the first verse reads.
Silent night, holy night
Godâs great love changed our lives
Forevermore, Jesus is Lord.
I pray that as we celebrate the Christmas season, you have experienced Godâs great love and that it has changed your life. As Joseph shared his love for Christ in the lyrics which he wrote in Silent Night, I hope you will feel the urgency to share that love with others through the things you say, your actions, and the things you prioritize. Take advantage of all the times God gives you to be a testimony of His great love.

Sunday, December 25
Deacon of the Week: Dan Raines
Deacon Greeters
Front Door: Dan Raines
Organ Greeter: Daniel West
Piano Greeter: Allen Whitehead
Sound: Daniel West
Video: Julie West
Nursery Workers
Sami Mastrario & Eilene Perry
Sunday, January 1
Deacon of the Week: W. Greg Brown
Deacon Greeters
Front Door: W. Greg Brown
Organ Greeter: David Flake
Piano Greeter: Carl Hobbs
Sound: Chris McCard
Video: Saskia Perry
Nursery Workers
Sandra Ellis & Rachel Flake