Newsletter | September 21, 2022

Truck Loading For Georgia Baptist Children’s Home at Baxley

Items for Children’s Home Trailer:

Barbeque Sauce
Salad Dressings
Bath/Kitchen Cleaners (non Aerosol)
Baked Beans
Aluminum Foil (long rolls)
Gift Cards will also be accepted.

The trailer will be at First Baptist during the Annual Meeting on October 9th. You can drop your donations off that evening.

Outreach Bags For Halloween

The church will be passing out goodie bags with our church information, plan of salvation, and candy during the annual Halloween open house in Ashburn.  If you or your Sunday school class would like to donate candy or money for supplies, please drop it off in Jonathan’s office, or the round table in the fellowship hall, by Wednesday, October 12. 

Budget Planning

All ministries need to have their budgets for next year turned in to Allen Whitehead, Brenda Lee, or  Nikki Brewer by October 2.


Church Goal: $500.00
Received to Date: $250.00

Thank You

Thank you so much for your outpouring of love over our family in the recent weeks.  With your meals, visits, calls, cards, flowers, and texts, our family has been able to more easily navigate our recent loss.  Most importantly, your prayers have provided so much comfort and encouragement.

Mama loved this church family and was so grateful for her time serving this time as an employee then later as a member.   We are so grateful for the love shown to our family; our church is truly the hands and feet of Jesus.

With grateful hearts,

The Family of Shirley P. Brock


Don’t forget to check out Brother David’s Mid-Week Devotion in the book of Psalms. They are uploaded each Wednesday on the sermon page.

Giving as of September 20, 2022

Budget for 2022 . . . . . . . .  $322,471.00
Tithes Needed to Date . . . . $235,649.06
Received to Date . . . . . . . . $213,556.79
Needed for weekly budget . . . $6,201.37
Tithes Received this week . . .  $2,245.97

From Our Pastor

Aren’t these stormy times?  It seems that everywhere we look all we can see is wind and waves.  When we look at the economy, culture, and politics, it seems like a hurricane is upon us.

Added to that may be circumstances in your own life.  You may have the additional winds of finances, relationships, or health concerns.  You are not facing a minimum strength hurricane but a major hurricane that threatens to wash you away.

The disciples in Luke 8:22-25 faced a literal storm that threatened and frightened them.  As they traveled to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, a powerful storm developed, and they began to be swamped.  They were in danger.  They awoke the Lord Jesus who was sleeping through the storm.  The Lord rebuked the wind and the waves and then asked the disciples “Where is your faith?”  They were even more amazed and fearful of the Lord’s power than they had been about the storm!

What should we learn from the disciples?  First, we need to remember that our Lord is with us.  Just as He was physically with the disciples, He is with us through His Holy Spirit.  He has promised, “
I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.”

Child of God, you are not alone in the storm.  God is with you.  He is with you as we live in these times.  He is with you as you face the events in your life.  The Lord is with you.

The disciples’ experience also reminds us that our Lord is omnipotent and is far, far greater than even the most powerful storm.  What did our Lord do about the wind and the waves?  He rebuked them!  What did the wind and waves do when our Lord rebuked them?  They obeyed His command and became calm!  The disciples were in fearful amazement about such power.

Believer, God is far greater than every storm you face.  It doesn’t matter if it is one storm or multiple storms.  God is greater.

Last, the disciples’ experience reminds us that our Lord is protecting us.  When He asked about their faith, He wasn’t just asking about their belief in His power.  He was also asking about their faith in His protection of them.  Our Lord was protecting the disciples.

Child of God, the Father deeply loves you.  He will protect you.  He will carry you through the storm.  You can trust Him.

Yes, it seems like we are in a storm.  But our Lord is with us.  We can trust Him.

Sunday, September 25

Deacon of the Week:  David Flake

Deacon Greeters
Front Door:  David Flake
Organ Greeter:  Dwane Lewis
Piano Greeter:  Daniel West

Sound:  Daniel West
Video:  Julie West

Nursery Workers
Sami Mastrario & Eilene Perry

Sunday, October 2

Deacon of the Week:  W. Greg Brown

Deacon Greeters
Front Door:  W. Greg Brown
Organ Greeter:  Dan Raines
Piano Greeter:  David Flake

Sound:  Chris McCard
Video:  Saskia Van Son

Nursery Workers
Sandra Ellis & Rachel Flake