Newsletter | October 7, 2020

collecting items for the Baptist Children’s Home at Baxley

Items needed are:
Canned Fruit (Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail)
Macaroni and Cheese boxes
Canned Black-eyed peas
Canned Baked Beans
Single serve snack foods items (little Debbie, boxes of single serve chips)
Paper Towels
13 Gallon Trash bags

You can drop items off in the front of the sanctuary by this Sunday morning, October 11. Vicki Brown will be relaying these items to the trailer at the associational meeting Sunday evening. We will not have a way to get donations to the children’s home after this Sunday.


Drive-thru Wedding Shower Honoring Lacy Lewis and Johnny Brown

Saturday, October 10, 2020, 3:00-4:00 PM
First Baptist Church Parking Lot

Enter church parking lot from McLendon Street
Follow signs to greet Lacy and Johnny

Please remain in your vehicle

Gift Registry
Belk, Walmart, Target


The Mission Georgia Offering Emphasis represents the collaborative efforts of 3,600 Georgia Baptist churches to do what Jesus Christ commands His followers to do – love our neighbors and serve the vulnerable.

Our church goal for the GA Mission Offering: $1500.00
Taken up so far: $250.00

Giving as of October 6, 2020

Budget for 2020 . . . . . . . .  $326,787.00
Tithes Needed to Date . . .  $238,806.06
Received to Date . . . . . . . . $198,438.13
Needed for weekly budget . . . . . .  $6,284.37
Tithes Received this week . . . . . . . $6,634.32

We Need Your Help

The Building and Grounds committee is in the process of sprucing up the church playground.  We want this to be a safe and welcoming environment for children and families in our church. We have ordered new swings for all the equipment, but we would love the equipment to have a fresh coat of paint before replacing them.

If you would be willing to help with this project by signing up to paint a specific piece of equipment or team up with someone else, please see Dwayne Lewis or Jonathan.  The church will purchase the paint. 

Items Needing Paint
Balance Beam
Monkey Bars
Circular Spinney Swing
Swing Set
Small Pyramid Climber
Large Pyramid Climber

Turner Association Fall Annual Meeting

Turner Association Fall Annual Meeting at Rocky Mount Baptist Church,
Sunday October 11, 2020.

5:00 PM Registration
5:30 PM Call to Order No Meal time between the Business and the Worship/Message time.
6:30 PM Worship/Message by Pastor Aaron Moore.
7:30 Closing Prayer

From Our Pastor

How can we finish strong in the Christian life? I’m sure that we have all known believers who grew cold or indifferent to the things of God.  We have watched their decline and maybe even God’s chastening upon them.  How can we avoid following that path?

We see some clear warning signs when we look at the life of Solomon.  He came to the throne with such promise, but his reign ended as a lost opportunity.  When we look at his life, we see warning signs that should cause us to examine ourselves.

The first warning sign is compromise.  Although compromise begins with small steps, it always leads to greater compromise if it is not reversed.  We see Solomon’s first step in compromise early in his reign.  1 Kings 3:3 reads, “Now Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of his father David, except he sacrificed and burned incense or the high places.”  Worshipping in those sites was Solomon’s first step away from the Lord.  We must guard ourselves from compromise – even if it seems to be small. 

The next warning sign is disobedience.  We move from compromising in seemingly small issues to open disobedience.  In 1 Kings 11, Solomon takes numerous wives which violated God’s plan for marriage.  His sin was even worse because his wives were not from Israel.  Verses 1-2 describe Solomon’s wives as being “…from the nations concerning which the Lord had said to the sons of Israel, ‘You shall not associate with them, nor shall they associate with you, for they will surely turn your heart away after their gods.’  Solomon held fast to these in love.”  When we can live in open disobedience, we are on dangerous ground.

The third warning sign is idolatry.  God’s warning came to pass.  Verses 4-5 read, “For when Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away after other gods…Ashtoreth the Sidonians and after Milcom the detestable idol of the Ammonites.”

We tend to think of idolatry as an ancient problem involving images of wood or stone.  The reality is that idolatry is subtle, dangerous, and current.  Idolatry is anything that competes with God for our devotion.  An idol is also anything we trust instead of God.  A concept of God that is not based on God’s Word is also an idol.  We live in idolatrous times and we must guard ourselves against it.

Last, we see the warning sign of an unrepentant heart.  In 1 Kings 11, God confronts Solomon and makes it clear that He will judge him.  Amazingly, we never see Solomon confess his sin, repent, or even seek mercy from God.  We see Solomon fighting against God’s instruments of judgement against him.  We must guard our heart from becoming proud and too hardened to repent.

Solomon came to the throne with such promise.  Unfortunately, his reign ended on a sad note of what did not have to happen.  These were clear warning signs along the way.  Solomon missed those markers.  We must no.