Who Is Our God?Psalm 68 1. The Victorious God (v. 1-4, 11-14)2. The Delivering God (v. 20-23) Psalm 40:1-23. The Compassionate God (v. 5-10, 19) 1 Peter 5:7 Matthew 6:32-334. The Present God (v. 7-8) Psalm 46:1-3 Jeremiah 23:235. The Glorious God (v. 24-35) Isaiah 6:1-4 Revelation 1:12-18
The Reach of God’s BlessingsPsalm 67 Introduction Psalm 4:7 Psalm 23:5b (“…my cup overflows”) John 10:10b (“…I come that they may have life and have it abundantly.”)1. God’s Blessing Leads to Salvation (v. 2) 1 Peter 3:152. God’s Blessings Lead to Praise (v. 3, 5) Ephesians 1:6 Ephesians 1:12 Ephesians 1:143. God’s Blessings Lead to…
Make His Praise GloriousPsalm 66 1. God’s Sure Victory (v. 3b-4)2. God’s Saving Grace (v. 5-7)3. God’s Protective Care (v. 8-9)4. God’s Refining Deliverance (v. 10-15) Romans 8:28 Romans 8:295. God’s Listening Ear (v. 16-20) Jeremiah 33:3 Hebrews 4:16
Facing A Wicked WorldPsalm 64 1. The Reality of the Wicked (v. 3-6)2. The Response to the Wicked A. Seek God’s Protection (v. 1-2) B. Trust God’s Justice (v. 7-8) Galatians 6:7 Romans 12:18-19 C. Recognize God’s Greatness (v. 9) D. Glorify God’s Goodness (v. 10)
Why Seek God?Psalm 63 1. His Greatness (v. 2)2. His Goodness (v. 3-5)3. His Help (v. 6-8)4. His Righteousness (v. 9-11)
Who Is the Christ of Christmas?Matthew 1:18-25 1. His Person (v. 20, 23) Colossians 1:15-172. His Purpose (v. 21) Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23a (“For the wages of sin is death…”) Hebrews 10:8-10 Romans 4:253. His Position (v. 18a) Revelation 19:16 Romans 10:9 1 Peter 3:15
Where Can We Find Help?Psalm 62 1. The Need for Help (v. 3-4)2. The Inadequate Sources of Help (v. 9-10) A. People (v. 9) B. Self (v. 10) C. Riches (v. 10)3. The Sure Source of Help (v. 1-2, 5-7, 11-12) Philippians 4:13 Philippians 4:194. The Invitation for Help (v. 8)
Praying In A CrisesPsalm 61 1. The Heart of Prayer (v. 1-2a)2. The Object of Prayer (v. 2b)3. The Closeness of Prayer (v. 3-4) Psalm 27:84. The Direction of Prayer (v. 5) Romans 8:28-295. The Trust in Prayer Hebrews 11:66. The Praise of Prayer (v. 8)
Facing The UnexpectedPsalm 60 1. The Experience of an Unexpected Crisis (v. 1-3)2. The Response to an Unexpected Crisis (v. 4-12) A. Look to the Lord (v. 4-5) Psalm 46:1 B. Listen to the Lord (v. 6-8) C. Lean on the Lord (v. -12) Psalm 3:5-6
Give ThanksPsalm 81 1. For God’s Salvation (v. 1-5)2. For God’s Provision (v. 6-7) Philippians 4:193. For God’s Plans (v. 8-10) Jeremiah 29:11 John 10:104. For God’s Restoration (v. 11-16) 1 John 1:9 Joel 2:23-27