Newsletter | September 4, 2024

Join us for supper at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall,
followed by Jonathan leading us
through a series on being
“Called to Action”

This week, Saskia will be sharing her testimony
as part of our study on being “Called to Action.”

Menu for Family Night

Tossed Salad
Garlic Bread

All ladies are welcome to join our WMU  group.
Monday, September 9th
1:30 PM

Meet in Bill Hardin SS Class Room

Women on Mission (WMU) members seek to
live out missions through
missions projects, ministries, prayer, giving, and Bible study.

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, 7:00 PM
Wednesday, September 18th, 2024, 7:00 PM

Mission Georgia Offering

Jesus showed us how to love, serve, and share. He never left people the same. That’s our calling, too…to love our neighbors…in Georgia. Good work requires hard work— from all of us—but there’s nothing like watching eyes widen, hearts open, and lives change in our communities.

The September Mission Georgia offering emphasizes the collaborative efforts of Georgia Baptists to love our neighbors and serve the vulnerable. Your gifts allow us to help our churches grow in compassion for their neighbors and share the gospel while meeting needs throughout our great state.

Church Goal $500

Called Deacons Meeting

There will be a Deacons meeting following the morning service on Sunday, September 8. We will be discussing the deacon election, so all active deacons, please make plans to attend.

Giving as of September 3, 2024

Budget for 2024 . . . . . . . .  $339,423.00
Tithes Needed to Date . . . . $211,089.81
Received to Date . . . . . . . . $182,975.24
Needed for weekly budget . . .  $6,751.71
Tithes Received 8-26-2024 . . .  $6,628.75
Tithes Received this week . . .   $7,443.00


Remember to check out Brother David’s Mid-Week Devotion in the Book of Psalms. They are uploaded each Wednesday on the sermon page.

From Our Family and Music Minister

When it comes to a desk, there are two types of people. There is a person with everything in its place, the one who can find whatever you request immediately. Then there are those who have stacks. Those stacks only mean something to the person who created them. When you request something, they can generally point to a specific area that contains the item; but let’s face it, it might take a little bit of searching. Our lives can be classified similarly. Is your life in order, or does it seem chaotic most of the time? What about your spiritual life? Is it chaotic or is it in order? As believers, we must build a well-ordered life on the foundation of leaning entirely on God. That way, when chaos strikes, the well-ordered habits that we have developed help us through those times. 

The best place to start developing a habit of being well-ordered is the daily practice of Bible reading. Reading through scripture daily, we learn more about God’s heart and desire for our lives. Jesus, our ultimate role model, knew the scriptures. He had hidden God’s Word in His heart. It gave Him the courage to answer accusations, the wisdom to live life, and the strength to endure times of chaos. Seeing scripture’s impact on Jesus’ life inspires us to follow His example.

This is precisely what happened when Jesus joined the two disciples on the road to Emmaus following His crucifixion. Even though they had been in Jerusalem and were heartbroken over the crucifixion of Jesus, they did not immediately realize that their companion on the road was Jesus. In Luke 24:27, Jesus begins to show them everything that scripture speaks about Himself and the crucifixion. To help them understand the chaos of the crucifixion, He encouraged them to turn to scripture. They needed a fresh understanding of the Word of God, and Jesus gave that understanding to them.

Jesus presented the scriptures to them and then opened their eyes so they would recognize Him. However, before they recognized Him as the risen Messiah, scripture states that their “hearts burned . . . while he opened up scripture” (Luke 24:32). Notice that understanding the scriptures gave them hope.

Warren Wiersbe writes, “The more we receive the Word of God, the more we will want to fellowship with the God of the Word.” There is no doubt that our lives would be exponentially greater if we made daily scripture reading a part of our lives. Not only would it draw us closer to our Creator, but it would also encourage us as we deal with the sins of this world. Think about how much different our time of worship would be each week if everyone came excited to share what they had learned that week about God through scripture and His work in their lives. I pray that we never take for granted the access we have to God’s Word and that we never neglect to read it daily.

Sunday, September 8

Deacon of the Week:  Daniel West

Deacon Greeters
Front Door:  Daniel West
Organ Greeter:  David Flake
Piano Greeter:  Dwane Lewis

Sound:  Carl Hobbs
Video:  Sue Mastrario

Nursery Workers
Sami Mastrario & Eilene Perry

Sunday, September 15

Deacon of the Week:  Tom LaRocca

Deacon Greeters
Front Door:  Tom LaRocca
Organ Greeter:  Daniel West
Piano Greeter:  Allen Whitehead

Sound:  Daniel West
Video:  Julie West

Nursery Workers
Dianne Huff and Elizabeth See