Newsletter | June 12, 2024

WMU Project

WMU will be collecting items to support Constructors for Christ. The mission of Constructors for Christ is to spread the gospel by building churches and mission facilities. Please leave your donations at the entrance to the fellowship hall. Donations are needed by July 10, 2024.

Dishwashing liquid 12.4 oz
Multi-purpose cleaners like pine-sol
Shampoo 15 oz
Potted meat
Cake mix white or chocolate
Green beans 15 oz can
Peas 15 oz can
Staple items

Operation Christmas Child

To prepare for OCC, we will gather the following items over the next several months. A box will be located outside Nikkiā€™s office.

July Items
Small Toys, Flip-flops,
Ball caps for boys, Socks

Preparing for Homecoming on August 25, 2024

On August 25, 2024, First Baptist will celebrate 135 years of ministry in the heart of Ashburn. As we prepare for this special homecoming event, we need your help. If you have the names and addresses of past members or staff, we could send an invitation to please get them to Nikki in the church office: email or 229-567-9320.

Homecoming Designated Account

A special offering has been set up for anyone who would like to help with the additional cost of Homecoming. If you would like to donate to this account, be sure to note it on your envelope or in the memo line of the check. After all expenses are paid, any money left in the account will go into the general fund.

Giving as of June 11, 2024

Budget for 2024 . . . . . . . . Ā $329,423.00
Tithes Needed to Date . . . . $145,706.26
Received to Date . . . . . . . . $117,637.53
Needed for weekly budget . . .Ā  $6,335.00
Tithes Received 06/02/2024 . .Ā  $5,787.98
Tithes Received this week . . . . $4,859.00


Donā€™t forget to check out Brother Davidā€™s Mid-Week Devotion in the book of Psalms. They are uploaded each Wednesday on the sermon page.

From Our Pastor

Do you ever fear that your life isnā€™t important?  Perhaps your talents and gifts are used behind the scenes and do get as much attention as others get with their talents. Maybe you look at your accomplishments and think, ā€œThatā€™s not much.ā€  Perhaps what you are doing now does not seem to measure up to what you have done in the past.

This is how the people felt in Haggaiā€™s day.  They had returned to rebuilding the temple.  In fact, they had completed it.  But now, they compare it to Solomonā€™s temple and think, ā€œThis is nothing.ā€  The difference between the two temples depressed them.

However, God had a powerful message for them ā€“ and us.  When we are faithful to God, He has an entirely different scale of measuring our work than what we see with our eyes.  In Haggai 2:1-9, God reveals His blessings on those who faithfully serve Him ā€“ even when it might not be impressive in the eyes of man.

The first blessing God gives when we faithfully serve Him is His presence.  In verse 4, God told His people that He was with them.  He repeated the promise in verse 5.  He then told them not to fear.

God is always with His people when they serve Him.  He is not merely waiting for them.  He is not just grading their performance. He is with them to guide, strengthen, encourage, and enable them.  What a blessing!

The next blessing is Godā€™s provision.  In verses 6-8, God says He will shake all the nations to fill the temple with riches.  With this prophecy for the future He shows that God provides everything necessary for the fulfillment of His will.

How this ought to comfort and excite us!  God will provide everything we need to fulfill His purpose.  We often feel discouraged because we lack the resources to do everything we would like to accomplish.  The incredible truth is that God supplies everything we need to fulfill His plan.

Last, God uses His peopleā€™s work now as part of His eternal plan.  In verse 9, God links the temple in that day to the temple in the future.  In Godā€™s eyes it was a continuation.  The peopleā€™s work in rebuilding the temple was an element in Godā€™s plan for the ages.

What an amazing thought!  God takes our pitiful efforts and gives them eternal significance.  Those ā€œlittleā€ talents, gifts, and accomplishments that discourage us are what God uses to fulfill His eternal plan.  What a blessing!

Child of God, donā€™t be discouraged by your little talents or accomplishments if you have truly sought to serve the Lord.  He will take them, enlarge them, and use them in ways youā€™ve never imagined.  What a blessing!

Sunday, June 16

Deacon of the Week:  David Flake

Deacon Greeters
Front Door:  David Flake
Organ Greeter:  Carl Hobbs
Piano Greeter:   W. Greg Brown

Sound:  Daniel West
Video:  Julie West

Nursery Workers
Sami Mastrario & Eilene Perry

Sunday, June 23

Deacon of the Week:  W. Greg Brown

Deacon Greeters
Front Door:  W. Greg Brown
Organ Greeter:  Tom LaRocca
Piano Greeter:  Daniel West

Sound:  Daniel West
Video:  Julie West

Nursery Workers
Dianne Huff & Elizabeth See